Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Movie Diary Task

*Pre-Production* I was in a group with Fiona, Michelle and Karly (we borrowed Kristen, Gabbie and Lochy). We remade a scene from The Dark Knight, the second Batman movie. The scene we remade was when batman is interviewing the Joker in the police station. We brought costumes from home. Karly used her batman shirt and a cloak she had, and Fiona used clothes from home such as her bra and balloon pants. Fiona bought costume make up from Bling Me More. To begin with we had to do a storyboard and learn lines, and how to use the camera.

*Production* First we decided to film in the VCE conference/study room because it looked the most like the setting in the film. Karly and I did Fiona's make up and I did Karly's. We filmed Fiona's scenes first. They didn't know I was filming half the time =). After filming Fiona's we filmed Karly's. We finished for the first week. Then the second week we filmed a separate scene with Gabbie, Lochy and Kristen.

*Post-Production* We loaded it onto the computer and started editing =). We had to edit a lot of mistakes out. I n oticed how bad i was with the camera =(. We had fun =)=)=)

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