Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Movie Diary Task

*Pre-Production* I was in a group with Fiona, Michelle and Karly (we borrowed Kristen, Gabbie and Lochy). We remade a scene from The Dark Knight, the second Batman movie. The scene we remade was when batman is interviewing the Joker in the police station. We brought costumes from home. Karly used her batman shirt and a cloak she had, and Fiona used clothes from home such as her bra and balloon pants. Fiona bought costume make up from Bling Me More. To begin with we had to do a storyboard and learn lines, and how to use the camera.

*Production* First we decided to film in the VCE conference/study room because it looked the most like the setting in the film. Karly and I did Fiona's make up and I did Karly's. We filmed Fiona's scenes first. They didn't know I was filming half the time =). After filming Fiona's we filmed Karly's. We finished for the first week. Then the second week we filmed a separate scene with Gabbie, Lochy and Kristen.

*Post-Production* We loaded it onto the computer and started editing =). We had to edit a lot of mistakes out. I n oticed how bad i was with the camera =(. We had fun =)=)=)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Be Kind Rewind

List all the movies the Be Kind Rewind worked made. Describe what materials they used to make the costumes.

Vaccum Cleaners
Green Cellophane
Whipped Cream
Toy cars
Fishing Wire
Photocopies of Face

Chinese Style Shirt

Paper puppets

Police Uniform
Suit made of junk
Fake gun
Water gun

Make up
Drivers hat

Boxing Gloves
Dressing gown
Fake car
Boxingf Ring


Monkey Suit
Screaming girl


Toys cars


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Compare the texts

What are the similarities between the two films? Include characters, plot, costume, setting and themes?

There are many similarities between the two films. The characters share a lot of similar characteristics and stereotypes. Cher and Claire are both the popular girls that can't do anything wrong. They both think they're better than everyone else and that the people 'bellow' them don't deserve their attention. Andrew and Murray are similar because they think that they are better than everyone else and that sport will get them ahead in life. Tai and Allison are similar because they both are loners, different from what they 'popular' people view as normal.
The plot is similar. Both plots focus on different cliques being separated by a social hierarchy in which no one can can speak to anyone who isn't in their clique. It also focuses on the people realising this hierarchy is stupid and the demolish it.
Costumes are similar with the similar characters. Cher and Claire both wear expensive, tight, girly clothing. They like to show off their money. Andrew and Murray both wear sports clothing e.g. sports team jacket/shirt. Tai and Allison both wear clothes that they find comfortable, baggy. John and Elton both wear long coats.
Settings are very similar because both are set in schools. They are both set at the front of the school and various hallways.
Themes such as love, popularity and social groups are both similar in the two films.

What are the differences between the two films? Include characters, plot, costume, setting and themes?

There are many differences between the two films is that in The Breakfast Club the characters are all the stereotypes. The Brain, The Criminal, The Princess, The Freak and The Jock. It is very obvious who they are. Whereas in Clueless you have to get to know the characters before you can discover what type of person they are. Also the plot is different.


Write a sentence about each of the five student characters. Brian, Claire, Allision, Andrew and John.

Brian is a quiet nerd. He keeps to himself mainly and feels the pressure of having to keep up the with his parents standards.
Claire is the pretty, popular girl. She feels she is better than other people and that other people don't deserve her attention or acknowledgement.
Allison is the 'freak'. She has weird habits e.g. biting nails and spitting them at people. She's a loner, doesn't have m/any friends.
Andrew is a 'jock'. He feels like he has to be bad to impress his father, and friends. He has to have approval from everyone.
John is the typical bad boy. He resists authority because he has no real authority at home. He acts like he doesn't care about what other people think, but he seeks their approval.

How do the students feel about each other at the start of the film? How and why does this change?
At the beginning of the film the students try to ignore each other. Andrew and Claire are in the more popular cliques so they were 'allowed' to talk to each other, but otherwise they didn't want to associate with the others. This changes when they start talking to each other. They start to protect each other from the teacher. Claire begins to realise everything doesn't revolve around her, Andrew realises that pleasing his father isn't the only goal in life, Allison realises that being different isn't bad but sometimes folow the crowd can be good as well. John starts to treat people with respect but then treats them like dirt again. Brian starts to feel important again, like his opinions mattered.

What is the plot of The Breakfast Club?
5 teenagers are sentenced to detention on a saturday for different things.
They are all stuck in the library.
John talks to Claire about being a princess.
They all want to get through the day with as little trouble as possible.
Mr. Vernon gives them an essay to write about who they think they are.
After the tension breaks they pass the time dancing, smoking, arguing and harrassing each other.
John takes them on a trip through the school to get his marijuana out of his locker.
They almost get caught and John sacrifices himself to MR. Vernon.
John escapes from the cupboard through the roof and gets bak to the library
They smoke the marijuana and finally let loose.
They tell each other their secrets. The audience learns that John has an abusive father, Claire is a virgin, Allison is a compulsive liar, Andrew can't think for himself and Brian is sucidal because of the pressure from his parents.
They are all worried about not being able to talk to each other in school because of the groups the hang out with.
Brian writes the essay that everyone is supposed to do. Instead he writes a letter to Mr. Vernon about how he views them.
Claire give Allison a make over, which makes Andrew realise how pretty she is.
Claire goes into the cupboard with John
They all leave the school at the end of the day.
John and Claire kiss. Andrew and Allison kiss. Mr. Vernon reads the letter.

What are the costumes worn by the following characters: Brian, Claire, Allision, Andrew & John.
Brian wore khaki pants, sweaters, parka, and sneakers. The costume fits the stereotype of "nerd".
Claire wore a brown skirt, boots, leather jacket, leather gloves, pink blouse, pink lipstick. She wore expensive clothing. Had to look the best.
Allison wore a long skirt, bulky jacket, black shirt, stockings, converse type shoes. Hair over her face.
Andrew wore a sports team jacket, hoodie, jeans, sneakers. He uses the jacket to assert his dominance.
John wore jeans, long coat, hobo gloves, boots, chains, denim jacket, flannelette shirt, white shirt. Long hair. This costume is trying to assert his bad boy persona

Where is the film set? Include all sub settings.
School - front step, library, Mr. Vernon's office, hallways, gym, football field, closet, ceiling, bathroom.

List and briefly describe the issues and themes raised during the film? How are they similar/different to other teen films you have watched?
Peer pressure - pressure put on friends to got with the group. This appears in many films.
Cliques that don't communicate - the heirachy of the school. This appears in many films.

Does this film appeal to you? Why or why not?

This film does appeal to me because it shows a range of different people ina high school going through different problems and helping each other through it.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


What is the genre of teen films? What typically occurs in a teen film? Where are teen films usually set? List 5 teen films you have watched?
The genre of teen films is usually drama/romance/comedy. What typically happens in a teen film is the main character is falls in love, faces a major challenge/dilemma and battles through it. Teen films are usually set in schools, malls, sporting games, beach, diners, etc. Five teen movies I have seen are; Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, What A Girl Wants and The Perfect Man.

Describe the following characters: Cher, Dionne, Tai, Josh, Murray, Elton, Travis, Mal (Cher’s Dad), Mr Hall and Miss Geist.
Cher is a popular, rich girl who's only interests are shopping and being on top of the social ladder. She is a bit flighty and air-headed, but thoughtful towards others.
Dionne is Cher's best friend. She is popular and caring. She is a big gossip, loves her BF Murray and has a very strange fashion sense. She is unique.
Tai isn't popular and is a caring person. She doesn't follow the flow of the school to begin with, trying to go her own way, but Cher and Dionne show her their way. She wants to be nice to everyone and fit in at the same time.
Josh is Cher's step-brother. He is very down-to-earth and is into the environment. He feels like he should help everyone and everyone should have his opinion, especially towards the environment.
Murray is the typical 'Jock'. He does what his friends tell him to do, very into basketball and parties. Although he is a very self obsessed person around his friends but when he is with Dionne (his GF) he is completely different. He cares so much about her.
Elton is a pretty boy. He uses his looks to get what he wants, he doesn't care about other people. He doesn't really mind if he doesn't graduate or pass classes, as long as he has a gorgeous girl on his arms.
Travis is a stereotypical Skater Boy. He is very laid back, has no ambitions but to be an excellent skater and is into drugs. He is always nice to people even if they treat him unfairly. He likes to mix with different 'cliques' and wants to please everyone.
Mal is a hard working lawyer. He feels like he has to conquer everything in his way, and be in control of everything.
Mr. Hall is a hard working teacher. He won't change grades for anyone, he has to make it fair for everyone.
Miss Geist is a timid lady. She won't push anyone to do anything, she will let anyone do anything and she has no real backbone.

Describe how the following characters: Cher, Dionne, Tai and Josh develop over the text.
Cher, at the beginning, is a popular, self obsessed, rich girl who only thinks of herself and shopping. Throughout the movie she begins to realise that not everything is about her and that she can't always get what she wants. She also discovers what true love feels like. She finds out what really matters in life and decides to contribute more to other people.
Dionne is exactly like Cher at the start. She really only cares about the gossip. She plays games with her BF. Throughout the film she begins to realise how important Murray is to her. She also realises how being popular isn't as important as she thought.
Tai is the new kid. She has no fashion sense, according to Cher and Dionne, and she doesn't realise anything about the set up of 'cliques'. After spending time with Cher and Dionne she begins to change into a snob. She won't take notice of Travis and takes over Cher's position as most popular. After a argument with Cher she changes back to her normal self, and becomes more friendly towards everyone.
Josh is very full of himself. He thinks his opinion is the only one that matters, especially about the environment. He is unkind to Cher because he thinks she has no real opinion about anything 'important'. After Cher gets mugged and he has to pick her up he begins to warm up to her. He begins to realise that Cher is intelligent. He changes his attitude towards everyone and is a lot more goofy. He doesn't force his opinion on everyone anymore an he falls in love.

Describe the costumes worn by the following characters Cher, Dionne, Tai, Josh and Murray.
Cher wears short skirts and tight shirts. She prefers to colour co-ordinate everything. She likes to feel individually and not to wear the same thing in a week. She likes to wear a lot of pink. The skirts get a bit longer towards the end of the film and she tends to wear more clothes, such as trousers and jackets instead of mini skirts and singlets.
Dionne has a very unique fashion sense. She likes to wear hats that define her outfit, with illustrious patterns and weird shapes. She also likes to wear short skirts and minimal clothing.
Tai wears trousers and t-shirts, with a flannelette shirt over the top. She doesn't let the clothes she's wearing define her. As she becomes friends with Cher and Dionne she adopts their fashion sense, beginning to wear skirts and singlets. She also stops wearing her hair up.
Josh wears trousers, jeans and trackies. He also wears t-shirts and flannelette shirts. He dresses for comfort instead of to impress people.
Murray wears baggy pants half way down his bum. he likes to wear baseball hats and basketball shirts.

What is the plot of Clueless?
Cher, a popular, rich girl takes the new girl under her wing to show her the ins and outs of high school life. Cher's step brother, Josh, is staying with her and her dad for a while. Tai (the new girl) has a crush on Travis, one of the skaters. Cher soon sets her right about who she can date. Cher decides to set Tai up with Elton, which turns horribly wrong when Elton tries to kiss Cher in the car. Cher gets out and Elton leaves her in the street. Cher calls Josh to pick her up after she gets mugged. Josh begins to warm up to Cher.
Cher begins to fall for the new guy at school and asks him to dancing with her. Tehy hit it off but Josh goes as well because he is starting to like Cher. Tai likes Josh after he was nice to her at the club. Cher realises the new guy is gay after he takes her shopping one day.
At the mall Tai almost gets pushed over the edge on the top floor and he saves her. Tai is then the most popular girl in school because of her near death experience. Cher begins to realise that she loves Josh. Tai tells Cher that she likes Josh and they have an argument.
Cher decides to help others to get Josh's attention. She helps Miss Geist collecting food and blankets for people in need. Travis and Cher become friends and Cher goes to his skating competition. Tai goes as well and they make up.
Cher and Josh help Cher's dad with his law suit. One of the other workers on the case yells at Cher for mixing up the files and storms out. Josh comforts her and they kiss.
The end scene is at Miss Geist and Mr. Hall's wedding. Dionne and Murray, Tai and Travis, and Cher and Josh are there together.

Where is the film set? Include all sub settings.
School -Classrooms, cafeteria, lawn, teacher's office.
Mall - shops.
Cher's House - Kitchen, dining room, Mal's study, bedroom, closet, loungeroom.
Party - kitchen, loungeroom, outside, bathroom.
Club - dancefloor.
Skating competition.

List and briefly describe the issues and themes raised during the film? How are they similar/different to other teen films you have watched?
Popularity as power - if you are in one of the popluar 'cliques' then you can do anything you want and treat anyone anyway you want. This is similar in many teen films such as Mean Girls.
Falling in love -people fall in love with the most unimaginable people. People attract others that they never thought they would attract and they feel the same. This is similar in many teen films such as The Perfect Man.
Seperation of different stereotypes - different groups of friends never socialise. like skaters and the popular people never mix. This is similar in teen films such as Mean Girls.
Does this film appeal to you? Why or why not?
This films does appeal to me in certain ways, like falling in love with someone you would never expect. But in other ways it doesn't. The film makes the life of teenagers look compartmentalised. Sort of like everything is broken into seperate blocks and in those blocks everything is seperate.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Why have you picked Media as an elective?
I picked Media as an elective because it would help me with journalism and my future careers
What would you like to achieve by the end of this Semester?
I would like to be able to edit a film
What is Media?
Anything that communicates a certain perspective to us. e.g. music and newspapers
List all the types of media do you consume?
iPod, phone, newspaper, magazine, internet and music.